Welcome Future Dentist! We are overjoyed to have you be a part of our Inaugural Diversify Dentistry Youth Summit at Spear! We have been busy getting everything ready to give you an experience that could possibly change the trajectory of your life. Even if you do not decide to become a dentists, our hope is that you will know there are dental mentors who are taking time out of their busy schedule to inspire and invest in you to live up to your fullest potential! Here at Diversity In Dentistry Mentorships, we believe you are worthy of greatness! In my video, I have shared a little peek into what you can expect at the Summit, so please take a look! Other reminders are as follows: - If your parent/guardian will be driving to the campus, please park on the west side of the building (where the green arrows are pointing). You can park in any spot on that side of the building, including the covered parking spots. Spear leases the whole west side of the building, but other companies use the other side, so people could get towed if they park there.

- Attire is Business Professional. Please do not wear open-toed shoes, shorts or jeans.
- Lunch will be provided.
- Photo Release will be sent out separately and MUST be completed to attend.
- School Excuses will be distributed and the conclusion of the program.
See you soon! Spear 7201 E Princess Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Monday, November 1, 2021 Please arrive between 9:45am and 10am. The program will end at 2:00pm. We hope you’re as excited as we are 🙂 We D.I.D. It…So Can You!  Laila B. Hishaw, DDS, FAAPD Founder & CEO, Diversity In Dentistry Mentorships, Inc,