
We need your help to plant the seed of possibility in a young student's mind. You can stand in the gap for students from historically underrepresented groups and make an impact on diversity in dentistry.

Diversify Dentistry Youth Summit_PTO17405_032
DDOHDF Recipient Badge - DIDM

Special thanks to our current sponsors:

Sponsorship Levels

Enamel Level - $10,000

  • Sponsorship Spotlight for the Month:
    1. Pop-up and Front page of the DIDM website for the Month
    2. Mentorship Handbook
    3. Mentorship Media - Recognition in Press, Social Media, Website, and e-blast communication
    4. Two Mentee Scholarships ($500 each)
    5. Website Sponsor scroll for the Year
  • Sponsor placement on Summit T-shirts for the Year

Dentin Level - $5,000

  • Sponsor Spotlight for the Month:
    1. Pop-up and Front page of the DIDM website for the Month
    2. Mentorship Handbook
    3. Mentorship Media - Recognition in Press, Social Media, Website, and e-blast communication
    4. Two Mentee Scholarships ($500 each)
    5. Website Sponsor scroll for the Year

Root Level - $2,500

  • Sponsor Recognition at One Youth Summit:
    1. Mentorship Handbook (print)
    2. Event Media
    3. Website Sponsor scroll for the Year

*Our Mentorship Handbook/Program Workbook that will go to Mentors (dentists) and
Mentees (students) in attendance. In addition, digital copies will be sent to all Diversity
In Dentistry Mentors and Mentees in our membership database (1600+).

Click on the SPONSOR button to sign up as a sponsor:

Additional information is available in the Sponsorship Packet below: